
Out-Patient Behavioral Health

  • Drug and Alcohol Therapy
  • Mental Health Therapy
  • Stress and Trauma Services for Health Care Providers and Care-givers
  • DUI Classes and Therapy
  • Court Ordered Drug and Alcohol Evaluations

We provide services to adult men, women and LGBTQI of all ages.

Outpatient drug and alcohol facility

Alcohol and drug addiction happens in the best of families across all cultures and walks of life. Drug and alcohol dependence is one of the most pervasive health conditions facing our society today. Most people who misuse or are dependent on drugs or alcohol are productive members of society sometimes causing loved ones to believe that their problem is not serious. However, left untreated their addiction gets worse causing the entire family to endure the devastating consequences.

If you or someone close to you misuses drugs or alcohol help is available. People with drug or alcohol dependence can and do recover. Reach out by calling our office for an evaluation or intake appointment. Reach out, help is there.

Mental Health Therapy

Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological and social well being. Mental health is important at EVERY stage of life. Mental health disorders are common and are a leading cause of disability. Nationally, the covid19 pandemic further exacerbated the long and short term consequences of the mental health crisis in this country. However, people with mental health can get better.

Our Services Include:

  • Psychiatric Assessment
  • Drug and Alcohol Assessment/Evaluation
  • Emergency Evaluations
  • Medication Assisted Therapy (Suboxone)
  • Medication Management
  • Individual, Group Psychotherapy and Family Counseling
  • Addiction Education
  • Peer Support
  • Mental health therapy
  • Stress and Trauma Services for Caregivers and Health Care Providers
  • DUI Services

We provide services to assist people with special needs that include individuals with Trauma, Anger and Grief and Loss issues, Women including pregnant and parenting women, DUI and Justice Involved individuals, and seniors and veterans.

 Our goal for treating individuals with substance abuse and/or mental health disorders is to help clients learn strategies to promote better health, and to utilize all available resources and supports to build a life full of meaning, hope and purpose.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health At Work

Stress and Trauma Services for Health Care Workers and Care Givers
Intervention tailored to meet the mental and emotional health needs of care givers and health care workers affected by work related stress and/or trauma due to caring for chronically ill relatives, friends or patients

Health Promotion Events

We provide outreach and tabling at health fairs and community events to provide education and resource information on prevalent health issues and where to turn for help and services.

Training and Education Center

We offer customized training events for health and human services organizations and local community agencies.

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